Our Story

Spending many years performing occupational screenings for hearing testing, PFT (pulmonary function testing), and respirator fit testing and the data management; we  realized how antiquated service providers have become.  The traditional model of  sending employees to clinics or using a mobile provider is costly and difficult for organizations to schedule.   Not to mention the inaccuracies or lost testing data causing delays and potential OSHA/MSHA fines.  We believe there is a better way!

Our name Certus is Latin and defines our core principles and vision:  accurate, reliable, trustworthy solutions for a forgotten market.  We examined the market and decided technology is the solution to best fit the needs of the occupational screening market. With the assistance and feedback of our strategic partners, we have developed a NextGenNow platform that “wraps” around the various types of screenings.

We ship the testing equipment to you!  Testing is self-administered following prompts from our software.  Employee is done quickly and back to work.   Real time data is collected and uploaded to your cloud based account.  No waiting for data.  You can schedule employees for testing at your convenience.  Never worry about employee  down time or loss of production again!  The easiest and most reliable testing solution in the industry!

Images from our testing platform.